Upside Down Design Launch Party

A few weeks ago Carole Whitby, founder of Upside Down Design and I had a telephone conversation. I had only meet Carole once before, briefly. Carole explained that her business had expanded; she was opening a design space on Bootham in York and would I be up for some PR and event work? I jumped at the chance. Not only am I an avid interior hunter gather, always on the look out for new designers/makers, but because, Carole has a fabulous energy, one can't help but get enthused! The moment I walked into the new space (27 Bootham, YO30 7BW) I knew Carole had great taste - the building is spacious with great character (at that point, there weren't even any products on the shelves). Whilst setting about writing this blog this evening, I thought I'd dig around to see what history there was on the building and stumbled upon this photograph from the 1880's - George Britton of 25 Bootham 'grocer & tea dealer & provision merchant' - there is a muddle with the street numbers as it is now, very much, number 27 Bootham!

After G. Britton's time here, the building seemed to have gone down hill (I have learnt a lot from York Stories) and for quite some time was in a real mess with the door moved to the left hand side and those lovely windows covered up. Thankfully, it was restored, the door put back to its former position and windows on full display by the 'Rugs of the World' rug company. This week sees 27 Bootham open its doors to Upside Down Design. And what an exciting venture to be based in York. Upside Down Design has exceptional attention to detail not to mention the products filling up the shelves which are original and fresh. The huge windows are going to be a carousel of displays along with pop up exhibitions and events throughout the year. York has been waiting patiently, for such an opening.
Upside Down Design is a 'stone's throw' from the York Art Gallery and opposite the unique Lotte Inch Gallery (a previous client of mine) and Janette Ray Out of Print Books (Janette & Lotte also happen to be mother & daughter!). Parking is easy with Bootham Row car park less than a 2 minute walk from the shop. York seems to be going from strength to strength. I am looking forward to visiting The New School House Gallery (ten minute walk from Bootham) where Cardamon & Dill take over the menu on Thursday & Friday; having seen Kiki's instagram feed, I can't wait to try some of her amazing looking food and again, a new venture for York.
So there you have it, no excuses, get yourselves over to Upside Down Design, 27 Bootham, YORK YO30 7BW. The team are a delight and the interiors so inspiring, you'll step out onto the pavement uplifted and perhaps with a bag or two of goodies!
Below is a taster of what's to come...